Dating is hard but here are a few guydlines for you from Laura! Take it away…. Dating in the 21st century is a minefield. From Bumble to Tinder, it’s hard to meet new people without vetting their online dating profile first. In fact, it’s difficult to meet new people in general because no one talks face to face anymore! So, finding out about a potential love interest’s personal qualities isn’t easy. Is he joking? Is he lying? Is he real?! Hopefully, he is legitimate in every sense of the word. But, to figure him out for real, you should… Continue Reading
online dating
I Swiped Right On Your Face Because
I totally swiped right on your face because you have/are: 1. A clear mugshot as your main profile photo. 2. Posing with the infamous hand on your hip pose to hide whatever you think you are hiding but are not and everyone knows it. 3. A selfie of you in the gym sans sleeves and wired headphones in your ears with a perfectly pressed shirt. 4. Failed to fill out the one and only question listed on the app. 5. A picture with a bunch of ladies surrounding you. 6. A picture with a bunch of guys so I have… Continue Reading
Dating & Texting No No’s: Call Me If You Aren’t Amphibian or Reptilian
Gentlemen. If you really want to get to know a girl better and perhaps go on a date, incessant texting lengthy interview-like questions is not going to cut it. Don’t have time for that. I type all day. I have around 100k of those types of relationships. Pick up a damn phone. I need to make sure you don’t sound like Kermit. Though, I hear that you need to kiss a lot of frogs. CALL ME if you aren’t amphibian or reptilian. We know I have had plenty of both in my life. CALL ME if you aren’t amphibian or… Continue Reading
Can’t Find The One? These Barriers Could Be Holding You Back
Thank you to Laura for these great tips for finding love in this modern age. Most of us envisage ourselves falling head over heels in the style of a Disney movie at some point in our lives. If you’re single, and you can’t seem to find the one, you may be losing hope. But hang in there! They say there’s somebody out there for everyone, so don’t lose hope. If you’re struggling in your pursuit of true love, perhaps these barriers are holding you back. You’re looking in the wrong place Are you looking for Prince Charming? Are you hoping… Continue Reading
The Pitfalls of Finding Love in The Digital Age
Thank you Laura for this post! You hit the nail on the head once again. Finding love in the digital age is not easy for sure. Finding love is pretty high on most people’s life goals lists. But in case you have been under a rock for the last 10 years you might have notice that the playing field has changed somewhat. No longer do people meet in real life. No that is just too simple. Now you have to negotiate a complex system of online trials before you a granted an audience. These include your ability to take a… Continue Reading
How To Find The Best Online Dating Site
Thank you to Sara Altschule for this post and the information about how to find the best online dating site. It can be confusing with so many options. Right? Well, let Sara break it down for you. Take it away…… You rarely ever hear someone say, “I love dating! It’s so easy!” And if you did, you’d probably want to give one big eye roll in their direction. Dating isn’t easy at all. It’s filled with confusion, excitement, disappointments and a whole lot more! So, it comes to no surprise that dating online doesn’t come easily either – let alone,… Continue Reading
Grab Your (Love) Life by the Horns with Some Big Changes
Another great post from Laura with suggestions on what we all can do to make our love lives better. I was just talking about this with a friend. You must be happy with yourself before you can be happy in a relationship, right? Thanks Laura and happy weekend! How can you be successful in your love life if you don’t have the rest of your life together? Some women might feel like their romantic relationship is the only good thing they have. However, if you’re not having much luck with romance, it could be because you need to focus on… Continue Reading
Valentine’s Day: Who Needs Cupid When You Have eHarmony?
Valentine’s Day is a special holiday and if you get lucky enough maybe it will be warm, fuzzy and touchy-feely in all the right places. I like warm and fuzzy. Who doesn’t? Who are you going to get touchy-feely with and where will you find this person? You don’t want to just spend this holiday with just anyone do you? You deserve better than that and so do I! Combined with the pressure to find that perfect someone and because your parents want grandchildren before they are too old, the search can become overwhelming and exhausting. But, you have to… Continue Reading
What Do You Really Know About Singles In America?
I was excited to be invited to’s event for #SinglesInAmerica again this year. For five years, has brought America’s most detailed study on singles and their beliefs and behaviors. This year they surveyed more than 5,600 diverse singles from all races, ages and walks of life with the help of ResearchNow and Dr. Helen Fisher (an expert on dating). The survey aims at representing real single people. It is not just aimed at users and is super comprehensive. The event was so successful that the #SinglesInAmerica trended on twitter for the third year in a row! I… Continue Reading