I wanted to take a moment and wish each and every single one of you a very happy and healthy holiday season! Cheers to a better 2023 for us all. I know I am looking forward to a better year ahead full of snark and happiness. Also, I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for supporting MelanysGuydlines through the years. It is always fun to read all of your comments and interact with you here and on social media. A special thank you to all of my new and seasoned followers on Facebook and Twitter who have… Continue Reading
I Am Most Thankful For…..REMIX Thanksgiving 2018
Happy Thanksgiving! This post is a classic remix from when I first started this blog in 2012! It gave me a LOL! Feel free to add to it in the comments. I am THANKFUL for: Being raised by the 2 most amazing people who have been supportive through all my 9 lives and taught me never to be scared of my own shadow. Being blessed to have had a sister that I shared everything with and knowing that she is watching over me every day. Having the strength to kick ass literally and figuratively. Puppies. All of them, especially Teddy… Continue Reading
Happy Mother’s Day To The Best Mom: MINE
Happy and healthy Mother’s Day to the BEST mom in the world – mine! I do not know what I would do without her. She is my everything and I feel so lucky to have her as my mom. Like I have said in the past, I do not need wait for Mother’s Day to celebrate my mother since I try my best to celebrate her every single day because she is so special. Love you more than words and want to wish you a very happy and healthy Mother’s Day!!! Thank you does not say it enough for being… Continue Reading
Remembering September 11, 2001: God Bless America
Remembering those we have lost and thanking those who still serve our country. Proud to be an American each and every, single day. Thoughts are with all the families on this day of remembrance. God Bless America. NEVER FORGET! 9/11/01… Continue Reading
Happy Mother’s Day full of KISSEZZ
Happy and healthy Mother’s Day to the number one mom in the entire world – mine! Since, I can’t be in San Francisco to celebrate the most wonderful mother in the world for Mother’s Day I will start sharing right now! Though, I do not need wait for Mother’s Day to celebrate my mother since I try my best to celebrate her every single day because she is THAT special. Love you more than words and want to wish you a very happy and healthy Mother’s Day!!! Thank you does not say it enough for being my best friend,… Continue Reading
Z Living’s #FindingFido Helps Dogs In Need And Awards Grants To Animal Shelters
I love my job but what I love even more is giving back to organizations that do amazing, selfless work in this world. Being a social media influencer gives me a mouthpiece that reaches people and brands on many levels. Currently, I joined the Z Living Entertainment social media campaign promoting their new T.V. shows. One show on Z Living is called Finding Fido and about giving dogs a chance in finding a forever home. Working this campaign gave me the opportunity to nominate an outstanding animal shelter for a grant. I nominated Wonder Dog Rescue in San Francisco which… Continue Reading
Happy New Year: Jump Into 2017
Happy and healthy new year to all of my family and friends near and far! KISSEZZ from Teddy Brewski and his assistant….me, of course! Let’s jump into 2017 and make this a better year than the last. (PLEASE) Be nice to one another. Be safe. Be snarky. Be barky. Be happy. Be healthy. Be prosperous. Be thankful. I AM VERY THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOU! Thank you to all that support and for those that don’t……you know what I think about that. Thank you to all that support and for those that don’t……you know what I think about that. Click… Continue Reading
Happy Holidays And Pawlidays From MelanysGuydlines And Teddy Brewski
Happy Holidays to each and every one of you from Teddy Brewski and his assistant a.k.a. Melany! We hope everyone enjoys the snarky content and more provided on the blog and OUR social media sites. REMEMBER: Slow down. Watch your driving. Know they are not giving things away for free at the stores (last time I checked). Smile. Remember why we celebrate these holidays in the first place. K? Enjoy your family and friends this holiday season and be nice to one another. Enjoy your family and friends this holiday season and be nice to one another. Click To Tweet… Continue Reading
Thank You Veterans This Veterans Day And Every, Single Day
THANK YOU VETERANS. Give thanks and respect to those who have served and continue to serve to honor, protect and fight for our freedom as Americans of the United States of America! The greatest country in the world. Thank you…. Continue Reading
Goodbye 2015. Hello 2016.
It is time to say goodbye to the past and hello to the future! Wishing you all the best for 2016! May it be better than 2015. Thank you to each and every one that supports my blog and my social media endeavors. It truly means the world. If you don’t support, you know what I think about that and where you should go. Snarky! If you don’t support, you know what I think about that and where you should go. #Snarky! Click To Tweet Remember to always take time and smell the roses. Be safe and be good to… Continue Reading
Happy New Year – 2016
I just wanted to take a minute to wish every single one of you a very happy and healthy New Year filled with family and friends. May this year be better than the last!! Thank you all for the support in 2015 and looking forward to 2016! Kissezz, Melany and Teddy… Continue Reading
Winning With Melany Wynn
When I started this blog a few years back there was not a blogger category for what I do today. Everyone wanted to force me into being a dating blogger and I didn’t want to be pigeon holed writing only about dating. There is nothing wrong with writing about dating because as you know, I do it all the time but I can only write so many posts about the idiots I have encountered in my lackluster dating life for so long. Plus, it is not good for my dating life. Like at all. When someone finds out I write… Continue Reading