

Thoughts From The Other Side

I don’t do splitting hairs.

I do read entire posts.

I don’t jump on bandwagons.

I have a brain of my own.

I am not a sheep.

I am so, so over social media.

I do not attack others if they have differing views than my own.

I am proud to be American.

I stand proudly for my flag.

I respectfully disagree with you but we can still be friends because I am not four years old and can have a passionate conversation with others that have differing views than my own.

I am an independent thinker in every single thing I do and say.

™Melanysguydlines 2020

**Stay snarky my friends!**


2 Responses to Thoughts From The Other Side

  1. Esther August 21, 2020 at 7:57 pm #

    Go Melany. Stay true to yourself at all times that’s why I follow you.

  2. Esther August 22, 2020 at 10:50 am #

    Stay true to yourself always. Wonderful post

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