

Why People Love Snarky Memes Part II – Naked & Afraid

I am traveling a lot….like, I live out of a suitcase. Too bad Tumi has not created a suitcase for the female over-packer, blogger like myself. My friends think I am a gypsy and I think they are right because I have no idea what zip code I am in -usually. Right now, it is much easier for me to talk in memes. People don’t love to read unless it is 140 characters, give or take a few. Throw in a cute picture or a bright color combined with a snarky saying and you are set. But, it can’t just be any saying. I read quotes (or cover letters) and ask myself how these people get through life. But, that is a totally different blog post and will be dedicated to the asshole who applied for my assistant position with a NAKED photo! I am officially afraid.

Why people like memes II Naked & Afraid

What tool should I bring to combat dumb ass people?

You suck and we all should have a license to drive on the internet.

why people like memes! To make fun of stupid people.

and assholes.

But, I know Karma and she owes me a lot of drinks.

Karma is a bitch

Grey goose soda please!

For the remaining part of this post I am solely talking in pics, memes, or whatever you like to call images with somewhat creative font over them. These are more snarky “guydlines” for your viewing pleasure.

My favorite has to be from a fan that commented “Snarky is the New Black” and I love her for that comment.

When I read that one I was happier than a kid eating chocolate cake (before I gave up gluten to achieve a more fit physique so I could fit my ass into a size 27 jeans!)

Why people like memes- snarky is the new black


This is to all the people who think that social media is not a job, yet they ask for advice and help but don’t expect to pay for it. This is like I said before. When I worked in the music business people told me it was not a real job. I would love for you to say that to Kanye and his billions. So, for you time wasters….

Why people like memes. Snarky Guydlines.

YEAH. I would think that would be obvious.


It is a tough life being snarky barky.

Even ask Teddy Brewski and he will tell you.


Why people like memes


dont let anyone ever dull your snarky sparkle

Sparkle ON!


why people like memes

To be continued….

Snarky enough for ya?


**Stay snarky my friends!**

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4 Responses to Why People Love Snarky Memes Part II – Naked & Afraid

  1. Anne October 22, 2014 at 2:05 pm #

    I was actually told today that I was being snarky!!! Lol

    • Melany October 23, 2014 at 2:17 pm #

      Were you? HA! Good on you. Snark ON!

  2. Joan October 23, 2014 at 11:38 am #

    Just love it!

    • Melany October 23, 2014 at 2:14 pm #

      Awww thanks! Anything to add?

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