Happy Thanksgiving! This post is a classic remix from when I first started this blog in 2012! It gave me a LOL! Feel free to add to it in the comments. I am THANKFUL for: Being raised by the 2 most amazing people who have been supportive through all my 9 lives and taught me never to be scared of my own shadow. Being blessed to have had a sister that I shared everything with and knowing that she is watching over me every day. Having the strength to kick ass literally and figuratively. Puppies. All of them, especially Teddy… Continue Reading
Serving Gratitude And Attitude With A Side Of Snark For Thanksgiving
Serving gratitude and attitude and a side of snark for Thanksgiving 2017! I don’t know how it is already the holidays but it is and there is very little time for me to sit down and write snarky posts. I miss being able to sit down and just letting the snark flow through my fingers tips. But, I keep telling myself I see a clearing at the end of this tunnel of non-stop obligations, appointments and never ending to-do lists! I hope. So, today I thought I would throw it back to one of my first Thankful lists that is… Continue Reading
Happy Thanksgiving: Thank-full
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving! And…. Classic TBT avi image for you! And…if you missed it yesterday, I wrote a thank list for you snarky people. It ain’t your mommas thank list. Gettting back to my snarky roots and it feels so good. It is about that time to stuff our faces with turkey and bust out of our pants but before you start stuffing your punim with pie let me thank each of you for being supportive of this snarky blog! If you don’t support, what is wrong with you? It has been a wild… Continue Reading
Smell The Roses Or The Turkey: Thank-full
It is about that time to stuff our faces with turkey and bust out of our pants but before you start stuffing your punim with pie let me thank each of you for being supportive of this snarky blog! If you don’t support, what is wrong with you? You know, it is never too late to fix stupid. So, do it. It has been a wild and crazy ride these past few years but I am thankful that I can do what I love and make money being the snarky betch you have all come to love or (not). So… Continue Reading