So, you know those annoying email blasts you get from companies you may have visited once online or given your email address to a million years ago? This includes those sites that magically get your email address without your knowledge. Well, I hate those people. Like as much as I hate telemarketers who call at the crack of dawn waking up my precious Teddy Brewski and me from much needed slumber. Actually, I despise them. Look, if I want to be on your email list – I will let you know. But, if I signed up and don’t want emails anymore because you are dumb, your products suck, you spam my overly full inbox, take time away from my blog, post ugly clothes on your website that look more like a couch than a dress, sell fanny packs or think I am an idiot then you have another thing coming.
Let me take it back a few months ago. I surf the web….like, a lot. Right? But, that does not mean I give every Joe Shmo the right to bug me with their email blasts. Luckily, snarky ones, we have rights on the Internet and I am here to share some of the usually useless knowledge that inhabits my brain with you because it finally came in handy for me while dealing with some ding dongs on the web. Don’t let people push you around like my 17lbs dog does in my bed. Companies must always give you the option to OPT OUT from further spam. Not everyone knows this LAW, like in legal and illegal? Companies included. So, know your rights people and just say NO to spammers with a click on the OPT OUT button (I am still looking to see if I have any rights against my dog but he is king and lays down the law so this may be a lost cause.)
Here is a snarkyguide to how I combat spammers. I signed up for this website who “sneakily” marketed themselves in the same manner as LinkedIn. Side note: I hate this. Create your own thing and market that. Do not copy! They used a similar logo to Linked In and claimed to offer opportunities through the site (which they spelled the word “opportunity” horribly wrong and not even catchy with the name – just annoying and a breach of trust for people who have little time to research companies posing to be something they are not). I know imitation is the highest form of flattery but not in this sense.
I requested to be removed from this “Opportunity” email list many times via the Opt Out form. The problem was the Opt Out form was (coincidentally) not working and the site redirected again and again. So, when it did not work I sent a lot of direct emails to them asking politely to please remove me from the list. But, asking nicely does not always work. I never received a response…..ever.
Look at the emails I sent and this does not include the nice tweets requesting removal.
So, I did what any snarky and annoyed blogger does with a twitter following and a knowledge of my rights would do. I blasted them nicely at first and had quite a bit of interaction from other annoyed spammed people.
……..and then after more emails and more emails I had enough. Enough is enough right?
That still didn’t work so I Googled the law and threatened them via email and publicly on twitter. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me….unless it is with threats from the law because breaking the law hurts (especially start up companies who are in breach).
Finally, after that tweet, a miracle occurred in the form of an email:
FINALLY!!!! Spammers 0: MelanysGuydlines: 1
I also had one on Facebook that they removed….I wonder why? Shame on you! Know your rights and don’t let these types of things continue. Stand firm snarky people. When all else fails, ask me how to guide you through the situation and I would be more than happy to help!
MG #? When in doubt and dealing with a dumbass – threaten with legal action and a variety of French adjectives or nouns.
**Stay snarky my friends!**
Works really well with trolls too, internet harassment and bullying is a crime and screenshots are my friend! Last group of idiots that tried with me conveniently did it all on the same thread. Needless to say Twitter takes harassment seriously.
TRUE TRUE!!! Amen for twitter!
Melany rule !!!! Amen to TWITTER too…peace
Right – love twitter its the best!
Thanks! KISSEZZ!
This was interesting and very helpful information. I have had problems with several not removing me even when I asked nicely. Thanks for this information. I have new information to put to use to combat them now.
Yes! I learned about this info not too long ago with my own emails list subscribers. Happy to help and thanks for the comment.
I had this problem with some political sites. Lordy. I was almost ready to change my party affiliation. It took me weeks to get them to stop spamming me with requests for money.
Right? So annoying and such a nerve. Hope this info helped a little!
You’re impossible! I believe that you and I would get along just like “peas and carrots”!
Where does all that humor come from?
HAHA! Funny right? Born with it I guess! LOL