

My 2 Cents: Rocking Social Media

Being a flytrap for stupid people on a daily basis allows me no shortage for writing material. I will get into that a little further when I return to the place where my clothes live. Also, known to some as “home”. I have been traveling so much that Southwest sends a few emails a week to inform me “Your trip is around the corner” while I am still on a trip. Whatever? Home is where the heart is or where my clothes and purses live. Right?

But, I thought I would share this golden nugget of knowledge with all of you since I am a social media marketing guru, rockstar, rocker chick and have been soaking up knowledge from people at Social Media Marketing World in San Diego for the past few days. For all the questionable people I meet, I meet 5 exceptional people. So, I guess those are good odds. Better than what I am doing in my dating life. Dumb question “honors” goes to the person who asked me last night, “How does it feel being 30ish and single?” I told him, “everyone is either married, stupid, ugly or all of the above”. That pretty much answers that. Obviously, he was all of the above.

I digress.

So, here is the nugget. There are so many social media sites and new options appearing each day. There is always the latest and greatest site or app that someone wants to claim is the newest and best thing. I look at choosing social media sites the same way I look at shopping. Just because there is a trend and people are buying fashion looks that blend patterns like stripes, paisley and flowers does not mean I need to wear a couch too. Not everything looks the same on everyone (but, lets be honest that trend does not look good on anyone). This applies for social media as well. Pick the sites you like in your professional and personal lives to use. There is no specific number of sites you need to be on. There is no judge. There is no right and wrong. If someone tells you otherwise, send him my way and I will straighten him out. Do what you like, what you are good at and what you can excel in. No more and no less.

My advice – don’t do a few things just mediocre. Pick a few sites and rock those channels! There are too many social media sites to be excellent at ALL of them. So, choose what site suits your company and rock those….K? My two cents which is worth a lot more than two cents but I’ll give you the friends discount this time. Next time, I am sure we can work something out (but always keep Melanysguydlines bookmarked).

Mayor Social Media Marketing WorldPS – This conference rocks! The best yet! Highly recommend it.


**Stay snarky my friends!**

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7 Responses to My 2 Cents: Rocking Social Media

  1. Miguel Nolasco March 28, 2014 at 5:38 pm #

    Melany Berger = #Goddress <3 <3 @Miguelnolasco72 @Melanyb12 you can #Rock my World anyday

  2. Jody March 29, 2014 at 4:04 pm #

    You’re the bomb! Love all your golden nuggets.

    • Melany March 31, 2014 at 8:08 am #

      Aww thanks!

  3. angela Armstrong March 31, 2014 at 5:16 pm #

    Love you

    • Melany April 1, 2014 at 7:48 am #

      Aww thanks!

  4. Crystal Green April 5, 2014 at 12:04 pm #

    Such solid advice. We can’t all be good at every form of social media there is. I’m personally not a fan of many of them, but I do enjoy Twitter and Pinterest the most. I use Facebook mainly because of the groups I’m involved in.

    • Melany April 7, 2014 at 8:27 am #

      Thanks! Yes, I strongly believe what I said. It is impossible to be fantastic at every single outlet.

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