

Dear Spoiled Americans,

Dear Spoiled Americans....

Dear Spoiled Americans,

This is for you! The Coronavirus is affecting every, single one of us. You are not the only one. Ok? So, let’s get that straight. Someone has it worse than you and you need to remember that. It is really easy to be a keyboard warrior while there are real people doing their JOBS going above and beyond to protect you, the ungrateful. They are risking their own lives daily so you can sit from the comfort of your own home, in your pajamas, eating cookies, with your family and complain that you are able to work from home and spend time with your loved ones. Focus people.  Someone is sick right now, someone’s family member has passed, someone can’t pay their rent and is going to have to live in their car or on the street unable to stay home and watch TV and complain about a forced quarantine for their own good. So, let’s all pause for one damn minute and pull it together and stop acting like spoiled little brats raising a generation of entitled imps.

You all might have preconceived notions about who I am and where I come from, but you only know what you see on social media. As we all do, I choose to share my sizzle reel of the most fabulous life I am living but that is just entertainment. You have not walked a day in my shoes nor I in yours. The one thing I do know, is I am human. We are all in this together and whatever way I can help, I will. I will help my parents, my neighbors, the elderly woman at the market searching for eggs, sharing useful content and continue to work my ass off every single day to be a good human being with purpose other than being self-serving. I was raised by parents who taught me to be human and have pride in my name. They taught me not to be greedy. They taught me to be kind. They taught me to be a “Mensch”.

My grandparents were Holocaust survivors and came to this country legally, with no money. Not a dime. They worked hard so that I would have a better life. Before they came here they suffered through the Holocaust. My grandmother had Typhus during the war. She lost her parents, brothers, sisters, friends, husband…and did whatever necessary to stay ALIVE! She didn’t complain, she fought. People were dying for a piece of bread! People were dying all around her and she fought. My mother was born on a cattle car with nine bulls after the war and my grandfather delivered her. They had no home. You think they had a hospital bed? You think they would have complained to be forced to stay at home and watch TV or surf the internet with their families on an imposed “spring break” with food delivery, alcohol and entertainment? NO. They would not.

I can’t imagine for one day the horror my family experienced through the war but what I do know is that they survived because of their fight, drive and mental toughness. They survived and thrived because they didn’t feel sorry for themselves and complain. They were innovators and creators. They all had one goal and that was to survive no matter what under the most horrific situation ever. They helped each other get through the war together.  If my grandmother were alive today, none of you would want to be on the opposite side of the table from her because she would tell you where to go without hesitation. She would also tell all of you people struggling to find ways to keep busy that you need a reality check. She would suggest by starting to educate yourself including reading a book and learning about the Holocaust. Sound like a good suggestion for people struggling to stay entertained while under quarantine.

I can’t understand anyone sharing they are bored right now and looking for suggestions on how to occupy their time on social media?  You need a reality check. If you can’t work from home in this day in age without tips from others than you might as well throw your hands up in the air and surrender to this virus because you are in a world of hurt. The posts of people on having nothing to do shocks me. There is always something to do! There are so many people and organizations in need, you should be ashamed of yourself for not taking the initiative and offering to help. Put down the video games and put your waste of space self to work for someone else. How about doing something for nothing in return? Doing something for someone else without expecting something in return other than being a decent person? Open your eyes. Wake up people. There is always a way to work and give back. Always.

There is always someone in need. There is always someone who needs help and has it worse than you.

I have witnessed this “me” generation in so many ways but right now I am beyond mortified especially with the gluttony of people taking essential items away from the elderly and people who don’t have enough. Shame on you, and you, for taking more than you need. Shame on you for taking so much.

Greed is an ugly color.

This is the time to come together as human beings. This is not the fault of the President. You think he wanted this to happen? I don’t care your political orientation but what I do care is the fact that some people are hell bent on blaming Trump come hell or high water. I am not sure if they have nothing better to do or if they are so far gone there is no saving them. Give me a break with dissecting his every single move and sentence. What would you do right now? Could you stand up and lead our country of people who clearly can’t follow simple directions? Obviously not, because you are more concerned about what he called the virus which indeed came from China. That is a fact. Fact. Give me a break. We have way bigger problems to deal with right now or did you not notice?

Clearly no one could do this any better because we have to be told to wash our hands? We have to make videos of people washing their hands to remind us how long we should be doing so to be clean?

We have to be told to save food and supplies for others that do not have enough and learn to share?

We have to be told to cover our mouths when we cough?

We have to be told to be human and come together by staying home for a few weeks and practicing good hygiene to save us all?

We have to be told not to be selfish and forgo going to a bar or a gym for a few weeks to stop the spread of this deadly virus?

Do you really need instructions on how to be a selfless human being?

Do you need instruction on how to wipe your own ass? Maybe that is why there is a toilet paper shortage.

For those parents complaining about their children being home and looking for ways to keep their kids entertained, I don’t even understand you. You should be excited that you are able to spend this time with your children. Get to know them. They might be good people but you will never know if you keep raising them with a screens in their face and taking the time you have together for granted. What did parents do before we had Ipads and TV’s? Wow. Scary.

How can we teach our children to be a leader and an innovator not a complainer if we can’t show them by example?

The only way we are all going to survive COVID-19 is by learning from the past and what other countries did to fight this nasty virus and that is to stop the spread!

So, can we all please stop being so selfish?

Can we demonstrate some mental toughness and stop the spread of the Coronavirus by staying home for a few weeks and following instructions for being a good human being without being selfish spoiled brats complaining from the comfort of our own couches surrounded by mounds of girl scout cookies, beer, endless movie streaming options and memes poking fun of what idiots we have become? 


Making America Great again by staying HOME!


Annoyed & Embarrassed American: aka MelanysGuydlines

**Stay snarky my friends!**

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70 Responses to Dear Spoiled Americans,

  1. Esther March 19, 2020 at 2:53 pm #

    I am so impressed with your insight. I hope people will read it and take it to heart. I can tell that you really mean it. Your thoughtfulness is impressive.

    • Melany March 19, 2020 at 3:03 pm #

      Thank you so much! Appreciate you reading and the comments!

      • John Taylor March 21, 2020 at 5:32 pm #

        U have a great heart sweetie ( very well said) “and R very funny that is why I attempted to be Facebook friends with U……sorry U chose NO……have a blessed day…..

        • Melany March 22, 2020 at 7:43 am #

          Thank you for reading this. I did put my heart into this piece and so happy people are reading and taking note. Appreciate it. Stay safe and stay well!

    • Miguel Nolasco March 19, 2020 at 4:00 pm #

      Amen …..

      You hit right on all points.

      • Melany March 19, 2020 at 4:10 pm #

        Thank you and thank you for reading!!!

    • Eden March 20, 2020 at 10:32 am #

      Love it. Thank you for the reminder

      • Melany March 20, 2020 at 11:50 am #

        Thank you!! Good to hear from you. Hope you are staying safe and staying well!

      • Christina March 21, 2020 at 4:48 pm #

        I loved reading this.

        • Melany March 22, 2020 at 7:42 am #

          THANK YOU for reading and for the comment! Stay safe and stay well!

  2. Regina March 19, 2020 at 2:55 pm #

    Melany, I can’t thank you enough for saying what I have been thinking.

    • Melany March 19, 2020 at 3:04 pm #

      Thank you! Thank you for reading and commenting. Sharing is caring!

  3. Bob March 19, 2020 at 3:00 pm #

    You are too much but in a good way. Great blog. A little long but I couldn’t stop reading. I am going to take your advise and try a little harder

    • Melany March 19, 2020 at 3:04 pm #

      HAHA! Well, I have a lot to say! Havent blogged in too long but I will keep that in mind! Thank you

  4. Stephanie March 19, 2020 at 3:07 pm #

    Exactly!! Amen!! Great article. Thank you for writingthis. I wish people would get a clue
    We are here together to help each other, not take from others.

    • Melany March 19, 2020 at 3:14 pm #

      Thank you for reading and thank you for commenting! I appreciate it!

      • Anne March 21, 2020 at 7:59 am #

        The entitlement of people today is putting me at risk every single day! Stay at home, keep yourself and me safe!

        • Melany March 21, 2020 at 8:19 am #

          And me! I am so sorry that you had to postpone your wedding but that will make it that much more special! Thank you for the continued support! Stay safe and Stay well!!!!

  5. Kyle March 19, 2020 at 3:11 pm #

    Hey Melanysguydlines/ I didn’t know you could write like that. I’m impressed. Shite, you missed your calling/

    • Melany March 19, 2020 at 3:14 pm #

      WHAT? This is what I love to do! Thank you! HAHA!

  6. Lisa Marks March 19, 2020 at 3:13 pm #

    Amazing piece and so true! It’s not like we don’t have cars or electricity geez 🙂

    • Melany March 19, 2020 at 3:15 pm #

      Thanks! Right?

    • Heather C March 19, 2020 at 9:02 pm #

      Thanks for the post Mel! I feel like I am living in the epicenter of this in Seattle. We have been in panic mode for weeks. The fact that people aren’t taking this seriously blows my mind. This is the time we put politics aside and we come together as a nation to take the simple step to shelter in place to flatten the curve!! Seattle is seeing an influx of hospitalized millennials who thought they would be immune. Now they are taking precious hostipal beds from the population that is really at risk. It’s so scary! We just lost a beloved small business owner in the neighborhood who was 67 with underlying health issues and we all knew him. Its gonna get more personal. I miss my parents, and my children desperately miss their grandparents, even though they live 15 mins away. We don’t see our friends, and are make the best out of this hard situation. We all need to do our part. Our nation is divided, this is the chance for us to be stronger. Xoxo

      • Melany March 20, 2020 at 7:27 am #

        WOW! Thank you for this comment! I am thinking about you and your family ever single day in Seattle! Hope this is over soon. Lots of love to all of you. Stay safe and stay well! Keep strong!!!!!!!

  7. Claire Jane Vranian March 19, 2020 at 3:33 pm #

    Well said! We love you, Claire & Chris xoxo will forward you the captain.

    • Melany March 19, 2020 at 3:43 pm #

      Thank you and thank you for reading! Appreciate it. Love you both back!

  8. Kaptain Kirk March 19, 2020 at 3:52 pm #

    Amazing you said what a lot of us are thinking. This new younger generation thinks we owe them a living and they run the world , it’s getting old and tiring .. Love and common Decency will always prevail. Thank you and lots of love .
    The Kaptain

    • Melany March 19, 2020 at 4:00 pm #

      Awwww words from a very wise man! So excited to see you here and that you read the post! Thank you! Thank you for the comments and for being you.
      Stay safe and stay well. Lot of love always. Miss you!

  9. Beth March 19, 2020 at 4:35 pm #

    I’m happy to call you friend. Thanks for this Had to share too

    • Melany March 19, 2020 at 4:43 pm #

      Happy to call you a friend! Thank you for reading and sharing!

      • Dana Morin March 20, 2020 at 1:12 pm #

        Well said! I’m sharing because you said exactly what needs to be said. Stay well my friend!

        • Melany March 20, 2020 at 1:56 pm #

          Thank you for reading, the comment and especially sharing! Appreciate it!
          Stay well friend!!!

  10. Stephanie March 19, 2020 at 5:05 pm #

    Absolutely amazing post. We are living history right now. I love how you tied the past to the present.
    Keep writing sista!

    • Melany March 19, 2020 at 5:08 pm #

      Thank you and thank you for reading! Love you back times a million!

  11. Greg March 19, 2020 at 8:55 pm #

    What a spot on post. The “Me” generation needs to go back to “We”. We have take “E Pluribus Unum” (out of many, one) to “it’s all about me”. So sad we have drifted so far. Hoping this is the event that will get people to see the light and change their ways. Thank you for your insight.

    • Melany March 20, 2020 at 7:28 am #

      Thank you for this comment! I could not agree more! Stay safe and stay well!

  12. Sandy March 20, 2020 at 7:23 am #

    Amen! This should be required reading for everyone! A much-needed reality check to all the whiners out there who do nothing but complain about how they are being inconvenienced. Thank you!

    • Melany March 20, 2020 at 7:26 am #

      Thank you! Thank you for reading and this comment. I really appreciate it! Stay safe and stay well!

  13. JJSherman March 20, 2020 at 7:59 am #

    Melany you have hit the nail right onto the head. As for many they may be offended by what you are saying, but you are speaking from your heart which is only truth. I do understand and as a Mother I speak this to my eldest son every day. I was born in Nassau, Bahamas and relocated to the USA at the tender age of 20, with five jars of baby food and two cans of powder milk the clothes on my back and not even a penny in my pocket. How I suffered by the hands and tongue of my late Mother, meanwhile I suffered here in the USA trying to care for my son who is now 46 years old and selfish. I prepared myself for such a day, as a Mother who stay in prayer mode I told my son that God was going to put something in this world that will put us all to a full stop for the way that we all are living and treating each other, He is not please with it at all. When they had the disaster in 911 everyone thought that America would come together, but they didn’t for that was only for a moment, then everyone went to their own selfish ways. As for this virus it’s not just in American it’s in the whole world, and my prayers is that maybe this will put aside the selfishness of mankind to one another, bringing change and love for each other regardless of color or race or region in the world. We as a people need to bring about change in our hearts and not to call on the Lord only in our time of need. May God bless you for bringing about this message. Ms JJ

    • Melany March 20, 2020 at 11:50 am #

      WOW! Thank you for sharing your story! Thank you for reading and the comment. I appreciate it very much and hoping to do a follow up asking people to share stories like yours and mine. Please keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, please stay safe and stay well!

  14. Gabrielle March 20, 2020 at 10:42 am #

    I agree. I have not found myself short of things to do. My housemate is in healthcare so she still goes to work and I make sure she comes home to find the animals (including the chickens) cared for and the house in order. In addition, I am fortunate to have amazing neighbors, one of whom came over unasked to help shovel the snow off my walk yesterday. I stay home, as I should.

    • Melany March 20, 2020 at 11:51 am #

      Thank you and thank your housemate for her service!
      Appreciate you reading and the comments.
      Stay safe!

      • Shane perry March 22, 2020 at 1:47 am #

        Well that was very well said indeed .I’m sick of all the whiners and complainers and all the selfish people in the world as well . Most people have no idea what health workers and medical staff have to deal with . And no idea of what our parents and grandparents went thru to make us survive as adults .maybe if people would be more willing to love and share the world would be a much better place

        • Melany March 22, 2020 at 7:45 am #

          YES!!! YES!!! This. Thank you for reading and the comment. Let’s hope we can all come together and act like decent human beings. Stay safe and stay well!!!!

  15. Candy March 21, 2020 at 12:43 pm #

    You are my hero! You have said exactly what I feel! I’m so disappointed in so many people and their unbelievable selfless, thoughtless actions. We can be so much better, wake up people!

    • Melany March 22, 2020 at 7:42 am #

      Thank you so much for reading, the comment and the kind words! I appreciate it more than you know! Wishing all the best to you and your family!

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