

Give Dogs A Voice When They Can’t Speak For Themselves: Stop The Yulin Dog Meat Festival And Slaughter of Dogs in Asia

Give Dogs A Voice When They Can’t Speak For Themselves: Stop The Yulin Dog Meat Festival And The Slaughter of Dogs in Asia

I just received this PSA and I thought it was so important to share with all of you. Please share to spread the word and be a voice for those who can’t speak for themselves. These images from the Yulin Dog Meat Festival are horrifying but if sharing this torture can help in any way than it needs to be seen! Please help stop the violence! Stop the Torture. STOP! I don’t normally do this but this is too important and I must share. I am on my way to Blogpaws this week and thought this needed to be shared… Continue Reading

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Happy Father’s Day 2016: GO DUBS #StrengthinNumbers

Happy Father’s Day 2016

Wishing my daddy a very happy and healthy Father’s Day with a BIG win from the Warriors tonight! Thank you for all of my Golden State gear and I will be wearing my shirt and waving my flag while watching the game tonight! Take a pic at the game please! #strengthinnumbers #dubs Also, thank you for putting up with me and being the best daddy ever. This is a classic picture of my dad! HA! Do you wonder where I get my snarky from?   This one is from the Shorty awards last year! And this is a gem! Hi-five… Continue Reading

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BlogPaws 2016: A Social Media Conference for My Dog, Teddy Brewski

BlogPaws 2016: A Social Media Conference for My Dog, Teddy Brewski

Teddy Brewski and I have been so busy with his birthday, my birthday, my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary, buying a new house (YAY), Father’s Day giveaways and gift guides that we have had very little time to blog! We do want to thank everyone for all the well wishes and congratulate the winner of the Father’s Day Overstock giveaway, as it was the biggest and most successful to date! The contest had nearly 150,000 entries and our winner Nora G from Florida is beyond stoked! She is so excited and so I am to have a winner that appreciates her… Continue Reading

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It’s My Birthday And I Will Do What I Want To

It’s My Birthday And I Will Do What I Want To

Another year. Another Birthday. But, this year is going to be the best yet because I have been reciting my mantra and putting these things into place. It is one thing to say them and it is another thing to actually do what you say. So, for my Birthday this year: – I am not doing anything I don’t actually want to do. – I am not feeling obligated to anyone. – I am only doing what makes me happy. So, if you missed it here is the mantra…… Sound like a plan? I do have a little wish though…. Continue Reading

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Father’s Day Gift Guide 2016: Dog Not Included

Father’s Day Gift Guide 2016: Dog Not Included

I have been scouring the Internet for the BEST Father’s Day gift ideas for all of you! My dad is super cool and loves a lot of things especially the Warriors! GO DUBS! But, he also loves snarky products I give him as I am a professional shopper and blogger. But, we all know that. So, let me share a few of these finds with you. What do you think? 1. Overstock everything especially the Father’s Day gift basket I am giving away! Have you entered yet? You should. Good luck. Remember it includes 15 fatherly-approved items such as a… Continue Reading

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Melany’s Mantra: Repeat, Rinse And Repeat

Melany's Mantra

Every morning I swear to repeat this mantra. I am going to print it out and hang on my mirror. It is the summer and I want to take some time for myself while still being able to do the things I WANT to do. This means not feeling obligated to do things others think I SHOULD be doing. Here we go. Cue the chanting music and theme lighting. Add a candle and throw in some incense but please spare me the Nag Champa. I think I left that scent back in San Francisco on Haight Street when I was… Continue Reading

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