

cox communication

Dear Blog ….I Am So Sorry

Melanysguydlines with Chuck Liddell at UFC 182

DEAR BLOG – I am so sorry, but I have been cheating on you with my shoes, makeup, purses, and clothes. I moved and my life has been upside down and inside out. Please don’t break up with me. I love you. Truly. I mean this is the longest time in two years I have not checked in to at least say hello and send KISSEZZ. I have good reasons – I swear! There are too many and I am too tired on a Friday night to elaborate. But, I am sure I will come up with a list in… Continue Reading

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21 Things I Can’t Travel Without

21 Things I Can’t Travel Without

If you have been keeping up with me that is better than what I am doing. I was actually in one place for longer than two months in July and August and my suitcase called to tell me that he needed a workout, so I obliged. People always tell me I need to put roots down but every time I try to put down the anchor other things pop up in my schedule that need to be attended to for work. Just this week, I traveled from Scottsdale, AZ to Beverly Hills, CA and then next week I will travel… Continue Reading

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