

Dixon Richard From a guy’s perspective for the “guy’d”lines. Our “guy’d” blogger

Meet Dixon Richard – Our “guy’d” blogger

Dixon Richard is a 34-year old, single man, based in Chicago. He is originally from Brooklyn and has not lost his edge from moving to the Midwest. When not checking out the local music scene for up and coming acts, he enjoys spending time with his pup GG (Grey Goose abbreviated – good man).

He is working on getting his fashion line off the ground and pays his bills by bar-tending at night. Still single after all these years, he is looking to find a girl who will put up with his crazy schedule and love of every sport known to man.

Dixon discovered and contacted me hoping to contribute to the section we so lovingly call “Teddy’s Corner”.  I wanted a male’s perspective for all of these crazy experiences I have and to prove that I am not a male basher but just trying to understand what the hell is going on in the dating world and life in general. This is a big mountain to climb but Dix is ready for the challenge.

He is known for his downright honesty and lack of sugar coating his opinion (and I love it so far). Dixon is a welcomed addition to the MG team. Here is his first article in regards to my Hall of Shame: Dating Story # 1.

**Stay snarky my friends!**

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